Crawling Pain

You know the feeling… it’s almost like fire ants are crawling on your feet.

Peripheral neuropathy affects the nerves that send signals from the feet and hands to the brain. When these nerves are pinched or damaged the sensations that you feel in the brain can be very uncomfortable.

Even if your neuropathy symptoms are not too bad right now, the condition tends to worsen over time.

Most patients have already tried one or more of the most popular drugs used for neuropathy: Neurontin (Gabapentin) Lyrica, or Cymbalta. Many patients have found that the effectiveness of the drugs is not sufficient to relieve symptoms. For some the side effects are a problem. The drugs are not intended to address the underlying problem – just the symptoms.

There are newer treatment options involving medical acupuncture, light therapy, electroanalgesia or nerve block that have proven to be effective for many patients.
Call our office today to learn if you are a candidate for these therapies.